The Art of Holistic Fitness
Ensuring your mind, body and soul is healthy so you can be at the top of your game.
Were here to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be the best they can be.
A cliche, but, Fitness is a way of life. Here at Prime FP we believe anyone can reach their prime with a holistic approach in mind. We provide our clients the necessary toolkits needed to manage their health, whatever circumstances they face.
Prime FP helps people reach their potential through a series of specific steps. Their program is about independence, self-improvement, and growth. It starts with identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses to bring out the best in themselves, then implementing habitual changes to better their lifestyle. It is designed for people who are getting started on their journey to reach their prime.
While everyone is welcome to apply, we’re committed to those who are committed to making a change. Individuals who are willing to commit to their health and become accountable and autonomous. With our NO BS approach to health and fitness, we want to ensure that the limited spots available are occupied by those who want to achieve their goals. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
It’s time to make a commitment and we want you to be prepared for success. You deserve your health and fitness and we want to help you make it happen!
Your Fitness
Guardian Angel
Chris is the head personal trainer of Prime Fitness Performance, born from his passion of sports and self improvement. Chris has done this long enough to know that holistic fitness is a way of life. He is not for those people who view health superficially, rather for those who want to be healthy.
Prime Fitness Performance operates out of Campsie and Eastwood in Sydney, NSW. Chris takes on committed individuals willing to make a change to their overall health with goals of fat loss, strength and movement efficiency, leading to self governance.
The Chris Doumanis Method
These videos are a great indication of the journey you will embark on with Chris, your head trainer at Prime Fitness Performance. Get your program with exercises to explain how to move correctly and effciently and check in with Chris once a week to stay on top of your habits and training.
Recieve the tools and content that will help you every step of the way.
Prime Fitness Pillars
We believe that there are four key principles in health and fitness that will unlock your potential to succeed . Understand these and build the foundation to overall autonomy for your health.
Our beliefs, your journey!
Trust plays a unique role in mediating relationships between leadersip and performance outcomes. Trust the process, deliver the outcome.

No BS information, or scams, we dont belive in fads or trends. We believe in science and application.
Movement is the wealth of health. Movement quality is a critical component to feeling good, learning the basics will have you feeling in your prime.

Dont just do. Take our knowledge and understand it. Use this as a pathway to your self governance.
How it works?
Eat well. Train well. Move well.
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Rinse and repeat.
We create programs that changes lives, now it’s time to change yours!
We’ve been in this industry for more than 11 years now and we have formulated a program that will change your life.

Private Group training
- Coaching strategy
- Training targeted to your goals
- Accountability
- Holistic approach to health with your friends

One on one program
- Personalised training program
- Trainers availability
- Programs tailor-made to your goals
- Strategised and closely monitored approach to success

Graduate program
- Maintenance program
- Extended nutrition plan
- Strategised weekly monitoring
- Ongoing adherence
Frequently Asked Questions!
How long does a program go for?
Here at Prime, premium programs go for 12 weeks with the option to extend. We believe that 12 weeks is a time frame in which a lot of changes can be made and results can be seen.
There is no lock in contract for any program and you can opt out whenever you like, but we guarantee you’ll love every minute of the process.
What value will I be getting?
Chris prides himself on making sure you have all the tools at your disposal to succeed. This means on top of your two sessions a week, you’ll receive a personalised program, tracking tools, access to the Prime community group, guidance in nutrtion and weekly check ins to keep you accountable.
What are your credentials?
Chris has spent 11 years in the fitness industry, He gained his accreditation at Randwick Tafe Sydney,New South Wales completing a Diploma in fitness.
He then went onto complete and undergraduate Degree in Exercise and Sports Science in 2015. Since Chris maintains his ongoing learning by upskilling with industry premium standard courses.
Do you offer nutrition plans?
Here at Prime we are firm believers that you already have a diet. So we rarely recommend a full diet plan. Having said that we do offer recipe packs and meal plans to assist you in the management and adjustments to the diet you have. Prime Fitness Performance outsource their nutrition advice from a qualified nutritionist.
I don't want to get bulky! Will weights do that?
Definitely not!
This has to be one of the biggest misconceptions in the fitness industry. It takes some time to build muscle, and for women a little bit longer. Essentially the toned look you’re after is a combination of resistance based training, good quality nutrition, adequate protein and consistency.
Where do you coach from?
Chris coaches clients out of Integrated Fitness, which is a 24 hour facility in the heart of Campsie. The facility is of the highest quality with premium equipment providing a great training environment.
Is an hour of walking considered exercise for the day?
Walking would be considered exercise and contribute to your NEAT ( non-exercise activity thermogenesis). NEAT accounts for upwards of 15% of your total daily energy expenditure. This involves incidental actitvities like walking, fidgeting and any unplanned movements.
Training is developing a skill or obtaining knowledge aimed at reaching specific goals to improve capacity or performance.
How often do you check in outside of our sessions?
Twice a week.
You’ll recieve an email once a week making sure your’e staying on top of your habits and training outside your sessions. And then Head trainer Chris will address the community in the private Whatsapp/Facebook group to provide you with tips and tools to guide your journey.
See what our clients have to say about us!
“Definitely passionate and knowledgeable with what they do! They make training enjoyable with results.. highly recommend them”
– Grace
Do you want to live in your prime?